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Designing and managing EU projects

Mapping of EU public funding opportunities, application writing, consortium recruitment, negotiation with the granting authorities, budgeting, project management, implementation of projects. Specialised in specific calls for proposals involving Education, Training and Cultural programmes (Creative Europe, Erasmus+).

Clienti: Fondazione Teatro della Toscana, Firenze; Comune di Firenze, Firenze; Fond. di Firenze per l'artigianato artistico, Firenze

Tempo Reale, Firenze

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Erasmus+ visite di studio all'estero per giovani adulti
e le loro formatrici

Stazione Utopia rientra fra i soggetti accreditati dall’Agenzia Erasmus+ come coordinatrice di consorzi per sviluppare mobilità all’estero sul tema della mediazione culturale in ambito museale. Le visite coinvolgono sia staff docente che discenti in situazione di fragilità.



Transational project meeting

MOC | Museum of Communities, run by with the Royal Palace in Gödöllő and Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, intends to exchange knowledge and experiences as well as train and teach each other how to encourage local communities to engage in voluntary work in museum, how to create an interesting story about cultural, natural and historical heritage, using also own experiences and stories. Together with colleagues from Hungary and Poland, we plan to create an educational tool - a narrative dice that will support volunteers and educators in learning how to build a unique story, organize arguments, build independent judgments about the object or phenomenon in question, weaving also their own thoughts. The narrative dice will be available for free download and use for everyone.


Co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union, KA2 Grant Agreement No. 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081917 

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A meeting aimed at museum educators and Ukrainian citizens to reflect on the reception model and on the mediation programs that museums can offer to refugees and/or citizens with a migration background.


In collaboration with Museum of Warsaw in the framework of Erasmus+ programme.


Education Museums and Migrant's Experience

EMME | education museums and migrant's experience is a training programme for museum educational workers to improve their skills in welcoming new- comers.

It involves different activities abroad based on the roles and functions performed by the various staff members, on-site feedbacks and reviews aimed at the design of educational paths with and for migrants and the drafting of educational materials that may be used by teachers, operators and volunteers.


Co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union, KA1 Grant Agreement No. 2018-1-IT02-KA104-047755




The aim of the project is to explore existing approaches to language learning in the consortium countries, and to further develop new approaches for integrated foreign language and culture learning.

The project will offer a range of activities for foreigners and refugees in the partner countries (workshops and seminars) as well as for professionals and educators in the field of cultural institutions and integration of foreigners and refugees (surveys, training and seminars).

Promoting inclusive language learning opportunities through local culture and cultural heritage for learners with refugee and migrant backgrounds
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